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Care For Your Pet
We are excited to offer our current clients the opportunity to engage in telemedicine. Telemedicine is not trying to replace visits to the hospital. Rather it’s about complementing our in hospital services and establishing a means to monitor patients and communicate with clients using the most advanced technology. Clients are always welcome to call and schedule an appointment, but we hope that our clients will appreciate the flexibility of a telemedicine consultation when appropriate.
With the advancement of technology literally putting cameras in our hands (through most cell phones) veterinary telemedicine can thrive. It saves you a trip to the vet while putting your mind at ease with quick feedback from your veterinary team. Rather than calling the clinic phone with a question about your pet, you can engage in a video call or send a picture through a chat and show your veterinarian exactly what’s concerning you. This gives us a thorough understanding of the situation, too, so we can offer you the best advice.
Response time is 1-2 hours. This is not meant to be used in an emergency.
These virtual visits are great for…
When it comes to enhancing and improving patient care, the AVMA encourages veterinarians to make the best use of technology possible, while still maintaining high-quality, safe, responsible veterinary practices. In order to do so, the AVMA permits veterinarians to practice telemedicine inside their veterinary license’s issuing state. Except in the event of an emergency, veterinarians are only allowed to provide patient-specific advice, treatments, or dietary recommendations via telemedicine for patients with whom they have an established veterinarian-client patient relationship (VCPR).
Como práctica móvil, nuestro objetivo es servir a la mayor parte del sur de Florida. Actualmente estamos prestando nuestros servicios en el condado de Miami-Dade. Entendemos que nuestros padres de mascotas son diversos y es por eso que nuestro equipo habla español.
Ofrecemos un conjunto completo de servicios veterinarios móviles para animales pequeños, pollos, vacas, cabras, ovejas, conejos, cerdos y caballos. ¡Lo hacemos todo!
Nuestro horario de servicio es:
Lunes - Viernes 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sábado 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Nos encantaría ayudarte a ti y a tu mascota desde la comodidad de tu hogar. No dudes en llamar o completar un formulario en nuestro sitio web para que podamos satisfacer sus necesidades.
No ofrecemos servicios de emergencia, por favor si su mascota esta teniendo una emergencia acérquela a la clínica más cercana.