Serving in Harford County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Cecil County.
AVAILABLE 03/15/21
We are excited to offer our current clients the opportunity to engage in telemedicine. Telemedicine is not trying to replace visits to the hospital. Rather it’s about complementing our in hospital services and establishing a means to monitor patients and communicate with clients using the most advanced technology. Clients are always welcome to call and schedule an appointment, but we hope that our clients will appreciate the flexibility of a telemedicine consultation when appropriate.
With the advancement of technology literally putting cameras in our hands (through most cell phones) veterinary telemedicine can thrive. It saves you a trip to the vet while putting your mind at ease with quick feedback from your veterinary team. Rather than calling the clinic phone with a question about your pet, you can engage in a video call or send a picture through a chat and show your veterinarian exactly what’s concerning you. This gives us a thorough understanding of the situation, too, so we can offer you the best advice.
Response time is 1-2 hours. This is not meant to be used in an emergency.
These virtual visits are great for…
Post Surgery concerns
Follow up visit questions
Behavior Questions
Coughing & Sneezing
Chronic Care questions
Hospice/ end of life questions or concerns
General advice
How do I initiate a telemedicine consult?
Virtual Visit Pricing
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Telemedicine Hours
Monday-Friday 6pm-10 pm
Saturday 3pm-10 pm
Sunday 9 am-10 pm
Are All Pets Eligible For Telemedicine?
When it comes to enhancing and improving patient care, the AVMA encourages veterinarians to make the best use of technology possible, while still maintaining high-quality, safe, responsible veterinary practices. In order to do so, the AVMA permits veterinarians to practice telemedicine inside their veterinary license’s issuing state. Except in the event of an emergency, veterinarians are only allowed to provide patient-specific advice, treatments, or dietary recommendations via telemedicine for patients with whom they have an established veterinarian-client patient relationship (VCPR).
We are a full-service mobile animal hospital in Miami. We understand that your pet is an integral member of your family, and as a result, we are devoted to practicing compassionate and contemporary medicine. We treat your pet like they are one of our own, using the latest technology for a high-touch, high-care experience.
Under construction
Coming soon
Veterinary Services in Miami, FL
High Tech Local Laboratory
We use a local lab with diagnostic machines that are regularly calibrated and highly trained technical staff to process our samples.
When a baby kitten or puppy is born, its immune system is not yet mature; and therefore, they are vulnerable to infection. Vaccinations reduce that risk drastically.
A second generation veterinarian with an appreciation for bunnies, pretty much sums her up. Dr. Lorie cultured her love for all animals since an early age, from pet earthworms to petting tigers, she was always interested in all things animal. Her mother, a veterinarian before her, was also a mixed animal practitioner and a rodeo competitor. Barrel racing and placing IVs she met Dr. Lorie’s father a farrier and horse trainer, whom still holds the national roping title in Cuba. It was no surprise that Doc followed in her mother’s footsteps and choose to study veterinary medicine when they immigrated to the USA. As a UF graduate Doc received an excellent foundational training, as well as a plethora of hand on experiences, but none compares to the skill set and passion taught at home. She’s not one for sugar coating, so expect her to be honest and direct. But, her staff and clients say she’s got a big heart and a kind smile so that helps soften the blow.